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Find School Safety Resources provides resources, like guidance, training, and fact sheets, to help schools create and maintain a safe learning environment. 

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Showing results for "Targeted Violence", "Physical Security", "School Security Personnel" and "Violence Prevention".
Training Program
Targeted Violence
Specialized Training Package: Conducting K-12 Site Assessments

Department of Education

This downloadable training module was designed to help K-12 schools and school districts develop a greater understanding of site assessments and associated key concepts, such as Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design and Universal Design; introduce SITE ASSESS, a free site assessment tool; and provide instructions on how to use the SITE ASSESS technology. 

Targeted Violence
K-12 Site Assessment Resources

Department of Education

This resource guide provides school planning and site assessment teams with a suite of resources to improve the safety and security of schools, with information on a variety of topics including building design, maintaining safe and healthy facilities, and preparing for threats and hazards.

Targeted Violence
Violence Prevention: School-Based Approaches to Conduct Problems

Department of Education, 2011

This webinar provides detailed guidance for the management and design of an education system’s violence prevention strategy. It features specific, practical strategies for implementing and sustaining school violence prevention efforts and includes information on the impact of positive school climate and relational strength on student violence.

Training Program
Targeted Violence
Active Attack Integrated Response Course (AAIR)

Department of Justice, 2023

This training course is designed to improve integration between law enforcement, fire, tele-communicator and emergency medical services (EMS) in active attack / shooter events. The course provides law enforcement officers with key medical skills based on tactical emergency casualty care, along with a model framework for law enforcement, fire, and EMS to integrate responses during an active attack / shooter event through the rescue task force concept.

Fact Sheet
Targeted Violence
Safe Storage Fact Sheet

Department of Justice, 2023

This fact sheet provides information on the safe storage of firearms at home.

Fact Sheet
Targeted Violence
Physical Security Measures Overview

Department of Justice, 2022

This guide provides a snapshot of what physical security measures are and how they can be implemented in a school. It highlights research-based considerations and evidence on specific security measures, as well as what to consider when utilizing selected measures in a school building.

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