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Find School Safety Resources provides resources, like guidance, training, and fact sheets, to help schools create and maintain a safe learning environment. 

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Looking for grants? Visit the Grants Finder Tool to find applicable funding opportunities to help keep your school community safe.


Showing results for "Mental Health", "At-Risk Children", "Conduct Issues", "School-Based Mental Health Services", "Substance Use", "Suicide Management" and "Training, Partnership, and Capacity Building".
Emergency Planning
Six Key Domains for Comprehensive School Safety

Third Party, 2024

This video explores six key domains of comprehensive school safety and insights on how school safety leaders can approach prevention, protection, and intervention in digital and physical spaces.

Bullying and Cyberbullying
Bullying in Children: Impact on Child Health

Department of Health and Human Services, 2021

This article describes bullying in childhood as a global public health problem that impacts child, adolescent, and adult health. It outlines the context in which bullying occurs, the types of bullying, consequences of bullying, and the gaps in evidenced-based prevention strategies.

Targeted Violence
Mitigating Harm from Violent Visual Content

Department of Homeland Security, 2024

This resource provides guidance to help communities, families, and individuals understand and cope with violent images, videos, and other disturbing content after an act of targeted violence or terrorism. 

Targeted Violence
Understanding Firearm-Related Injury and School Violence Series

Department of Justice, 2024

This podcast interview series provides information on the intersection of school safety strategies and firearm-related injury. Episodes cover topics such as youth suicide prevention, anonymous reporting systems, and community engagement.
Infectious Diseases and Public Health
Delivering Services in School-Based Settings: A Comprehensive Guide to Medicaid Services and Administrative Claiming

Department of Health and Human Services, 2023

This guide provides direction to State Medicaid/Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) agencies and Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) to deliver school-based services in a manner that allows LEAs to obtain all the payments for which they can qualify, to then increase access to covered services for enrolled students. This guide also offers possible financially sustainable solutions for State Medicaid/CHIP agencies and LEAs, while acknowledging that behavioral health services, and other medical conditions can be complex and may also require community-based resources outside of schools for effective treatment.
Fact Sheet
Mental Health
Talking with Your Teen About Vaping

Department of Health and Human Services, 2020

This brochure details the risks associated with vaping and the importance of having conversations with children and adolescents to help them avoid substance use.
Mental Health
Reducing Vaping Among Youth and Young Adults

Department of Health and Human Services, 2020

This guide discusses effective programs and policies to prevent vaping among youth and young adults, challenges to reducing e-cigarette use and vaping, and program and policy implementation strategies that can be used to address these challenges.
Infectious Diseases and Public Health
Medicaid and School-Based Services Technical Assistance Center

Department of Health and Human Services

This technical assistance center seeks to assist and expand the capacity of State Medicaid agencies, local education agencies (LEAs), and school-based entities to provide greater assistance under Medicaid. It also seeks to develop resource materials tailored to the specific needs of LEAs and their communities.
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