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Child Exploitation Child Exploitation


Human Trafficking Information about Human Trafficking Online Exploitation Information about Online Exploitation

Prevent, identify, and respond to child exploitation.

Child exploitation can take many forms and affect youth of any age, race, geographic location, or socioeconomic status. Victimization can occur on school grounds or in the surrounding community, as well as through online or social media platforms. Online child sexual exploitation and abuse includes a broad range of criminal acts that involve victimizing minors for sexual gratification or some other personal or financial gain. This includes the creation and distribution of child sexual abuse material, grooming, sextortion, and self-harm. Child exploitation can have immediate and long-term consequences, including health impacts and psychological and physical trauma.

Understanding the factors that make students vulnerable to exploitation, such as adverse childhood experiences, history of trauma, housing instability/homelessness, or lack of supportive adult figures, and recognizing the warning signs is the first step in identifying potential victims. Signs or indicators may include unexplained absences from school, abruptly disconnecting from family or friends, or significant changes in behaviors including online activity.

Schools are uniquely positioned to support students facing exploitation. Because of the regular interaction between educators and students, school personnel can help identify and report suspected cases of trafficking and exploitation and connect affected students to critical services. School districts should establish and articulate clearly defined policies, protocols, and procedures, supported by collaboration with relevant local community and law enforcement partners, for school personnel to follow if cases of child exploitation are suspected or disclosed. School leaders can also provide training and resources on the risk factors and indicators of child exploitation so that teachers, school staff, and trusted adults can recognize and support impacted students.

To counteract risk factors, identifying and building protective factors and a safe and supportive school community can help protect youth from exploitative and trafficking situations. Protective factors can include encouraging youth to seek help, identifying resources to meet student needs, and offering ongoing and age-appropriate education programs. School communities can also teach students and parents about the risks they face online and how to avoid them, as well as encourage open and ongoing communication on safe digital habits. To protect against exploitation and trafficking on campus, schools can put in place physical security measures and screen visitors to school grounds and events.

Within the larger community, federal child labor laws have been enacted to ensure that young people are not employed in dangerous jobs and that their education and well-being is not jeopardized by the work they perform. Employers may only employ young workers in some types of jobs and for certain hours.

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Child Exploitation
How to Talk to Youth about Human Trafficking: A Guide for Youth Caretakers and Individuals Working with Youth

Department of Homeland Security, 2022

This guide can be used by any adult who is a caretaker of a youth or individuals who work with youth through formal or informal programming. It includes information about what human trafficking is, how to recognize it among youth, tips for talking to youth about general exploitation, information about building life skills that may help prevent youth from being trafficked, and reporting options if you suspect a youth is affected by human trafficking or being exploited.

Training Program
Child Exploitation
Understanding Human Trafficking

Department of Justice

This training is a series of five interactive online modules that offer foundational learning on trauma-informed and victim-centered approaches to human trafficking. 
Child Exploitation
Faces of Human Trafficking

Department of Justice

This video series includes information about sex and labor trafficking, multidisciplinary approaches to serving victims of human trafficking, effective victim services, victims' legal needs, and voices of survivors. It is intended to be used for outreach and education efforts of service providers, law enforcement, prosecutors, and others in the community. Included with the video series are an accompanying discussion guide, Fact Sheets, and posters that can be used to augment trainings and generate discussion.
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